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Friday, April 15, 2011

When and Where?

Shine On! Conference:
Date- May 14th, 2011
Time- 10am -3:30pm
Location- Clinton Community College

Registration Form


All of our mentors are exceptional young women within Plattsburgh's college community. Listen to our two key speakers, Olympian Samantha Retrosi, who competed in luge at the Torino, Italy games and Lindsay Lyons, former SUNY Plattsburgh Student Association President who has done inspirational things despite what today's society views as "beautiful". Other mentors include several young women who are highly involved in campus activities at SUNY Plattsburgh and several girls from the National Championship Team for Women's Soccer from Clinton Community College.

Conference Activities!

The Girl Scouts, SUNY Plattsburgh and Clinton Community College in partnership with Dove, have teamed up to organize a fun-filled day dedicated to 4th and 5th grade girls to give them the tools needed to handle the pressures of middle school. There will be an opening Ice Breaker with Olympian Samantha Retrosi. From there, we have planned several fun and inspiring activities, including a close look at media images and false expectations seen in teen magazines. A healthy lunch will be provided and girls will be able to make a connection with our college female mentors!  Girl will also receive a Shine On! T-shirt.

More Activities..

Have you ever done a group push up?! How about a human traffic-jam? Well, here is your chance! The folks at Pok-O-MacCready Outdoor Education Center will show girls how to work together and voice their opinions in a productive manor. Girls will also learn outcomes from these activities that can be applied to communication with peers in middle school.

Dove Video


Girl Scouts NENY     

Dove For Real Beauty